Monday, July 07, 2014

Cape Chamber of Commerce : high electricity prices and corruption undermine our competitiveness

Loyiso Langeni
06 July 2014

The Caper Chamber of Commerce says the reason why petrol is so expensive is because of the weaker rand and not on world events or conflict. 

Cape Chamber President Janine Myburgh said high electricity prices and corruption undermines the country’s competitiveness and discourages investment.

Petrol increased by 29 cents a litre and diesel by 14 cents a litre. 

“We have seen our credit ratings slip and this affects the value of the rand and borrowing costs. A weak rand buys less oil and puts less petrol in your car.” Myburgh

She concluded by saying that when you add up the massive wastage of public money spent on subsidising State Owned Enterprises like SAA, the over-budget and long delayed the Eskom power stations, the high cost of the public service, strikes and wage increases well above the inflation rate then it is not surprising that the rand is weak and it costs more to fill up your car

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