Friday, December 23, 2022

City urges residents, visitors to be safe at its recreational facilities

The City of Cape Town’s Community Services and Health Directorate has urged residents and visitors of the metro to be safe at its recreational facilities

Since September, there have been nine fatal drownings along the city’s coast, 11 non-fatal drownings, and one non-fatal drowning at a swimming pool.

During the first weekend of operations, staff tagged 19 110 children and reunited eight children with their families, as part of the City’s annual Identikidz programme

Mayco member for Community Services and Health, Patricia van der Ross said one child was handed over to social workers when their family could not be reached by nightfall.

‘’We have put in place as many measures as possible to create a safe environment for everyone, but ultimately people need to take personal responsibility for their safety. The rules are there for a reason, and we implore our visitors to abide by them.’’

‘’To families, please make use of our Identikidz project. It is an incredibly popular initiative, and for good reason. We’ve had reports from a few beaches where people refuse to use the service and that is really unfortunate. I really hope that they have a change of heart, for their children’s sake,’ added the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Community Services and Health, Patricia Van der Ross.


Done By: Mitchum George

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