Tuesday, July 08, 2014

21 drunk drivers arrested over the weekend in roadblocks

Loyiso Langeni
08 July 2014

Western Cape Traffic Authorities over the past weekend stopped 926 vehicles in 24 roadblocks throughout the weekend. 

451 drivers were tested for alcohol and 21 drunken drivers were arrested during the roadblocks. 

The highest reading was recorded in Knysna.  Provincial Traffic Chief Kenny Africa said one of our officers arrested a truck driver and his passenger for being in possession of illegal cigarettes worth a street value of R3.8 million.

“The two suspects were arrested and kept at Worcester police station. The total amount of fines that were issued was R73, 100 and we also tested the speed of 630 vehicles of which we prosecuted 44 drivers for exceeding the speed limits,” Africa added.

Also during the roadblocks a 44-year-old driver was arrested in the Beaufort West area for driving 170 plus km per hour in a 120 zone. 

Provincial Traffic Chief Kenny Africa said seven people died on the province roads over the weekend. 

“The driver lost control of his vehicle in Robert Sobukwe road in the Metro and he died on scene. We had another accident in Table view and the driver of that vehicle also died in that accident.

The pedestrian got killed in Pearl after he was knocked down by a motor vehicle and another pedestrian died in Bellville after he was knocked down by a motor vehicle. We had a head-on collision on the road between Worcester and Robertson resulting in four people losing their lives.” Africa added.

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