Tuesday, October 21, 2014

ANC Women League outraged at Oscar Pistorious Sentence

Oscar Thomas
21 October 2014

The African National Congress Women’s League said it is outraged at the sentencing of Oscar Pistorius to five years in prison for culpable homicide.

Earlier today Judge Thokozile Masipa sentenced Pistorius to five years for culpable homicide and three years, suspended for the discharge of a firearm at Tasha’s restaurant.

In a statement the women’s league said it remains dissatisfied with the verdict delivered today.

ANC’s Women’s League Khusela Sangoni said we have consistently said that we believe she adds in her verdict she finds Oscar Pistorious guilty of culpable homicide and not murder.

Sangoni said as such this sentence is just more aforementioned of that.

As the Women’s league we will be approaching the State requesting that they consider an appeal in this case as we want to be friends of the court.

“South African women are abused on the daily basis at the hands of their partners and this miscarriage of justice cannot be allowed to continue Sangoni added.

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