Monday, October 27, 2014

Woman drowns at Clifton

Oscar Thomas
27 October 2014

National Sea Rescue Institute volunteers attended to a drowning incident late on Sunday at Clifton Beach. 

NSRI Spokesperson Craig Lambinon said bystanders noticed the woman in her twenties appeared to be in difficulty and tried to get out of the water on the rocky shoreline.

Lambinon said on arrival on-scene an unidentified woman, in her early 20’s, was found on the rocks with bystanders performing Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation on her.

Lambinon said paramedics continued with Advanced Life Support CPR but despite extensive CPR efforts and after all efforts to resuscitate her were exhausted on the scene she was declared deceased by paramedics.

“Her body has been taken into the care of the Police and of the Forensic Pathology Services Lambinon added.

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