Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Oscar Pistorious sentenced to 5 years

Oscar Thomas
21 October 2014

Judge Thokozile Masipa in the High Court in Pretoria has sentenced Oscar Pistorius to five years in prison for the charge of culpable homicide. 

Judge Masipa also ruled on the discharge of a firearm at Tasha's restaurant and gave Pistorius three years suspended for five. 

Pistorius shot and killed his model girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp on Valentine’s Day in 2013. 

Here is Judge Masipa’s judgment giving his judgment said the following is what I consider to be a sentence that is fair and just both to society and the accused.

Count one culpable homicide the sentence imposed is a maximum imprisonment of 5 years imposed in terms of section 2761i of the criminal procedure acts number 51 of 1977.

“On count two the contravention of section of 120 sub section 3b of the firearms control act number 60 of 2000 the sentence imposes 3 years imprisonment, wholly suspended for 5 years on condition that within the period of suspension the accused is not found guilty of a crime where there is negligence involving the use of a firearm Masipa added. 

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