Thursday, October 30, 2014

Boat runs aground at Richards Bay

Oscar Thomas
30 October 2014

The National Sea Rescue Institute in Richards Bay attended to reports of a ski-boat that run aground with three crewmembers onboard at the time of the incident.

NSRI Spokesperson Craig Lambinon said the three decided to go fishing but shortly into their trip the boat motor died and they were washed onto the Port South Arm.

Lambinon said NSRI rescue swimmers were put ashore and confirmed all 3 men were safe and not injured.

Lambinon said a tow-line was rigged to the casualty boat and our sea rescue craft pulled the boat free of the Dolosse and towed it to our sea rescue base where she was moored.

Lambinon said we then returned to the scene to collect the 3 casualties and to collect our rescue swimmers.

Lambinon said the three men were brought to our sea rescue base safely and they required no further assistance.

“The casualty boat appears to have minimal damage with only a few scratches Lambinon added.

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