Wednesday, July 31, 2013

DA welcomes the request by trade Minister for detailed report from the NEF

Imogen Vollenhoven
31July 2013  

The Democratic Alliance said it welcomes the announcement by the Minister of Trade and Industry Rob Davis requesting a detailed report from the National Empowerment Fund, regarding its funding of Ndalo Luxury Ventures. 

The NEF approved a total 34.1 million-Rand in loan finance to NLV for the construction of the Luminance store, procurement of stock from local and international suppliers, and the local manufacture of a clothing range for the Luminance brand. 

DA MP of Trade and Industry Wilmot James said that there is nothing wrong in the business itself.

“But this is taxpayers money they want a complete explanation of the circumstances under which a grant of this magnitude R34 million goes to a very successful business women,” added Wilmot.

He also said that it is a need for explanation and an account given of why that has happened.

Grassy Park CPF seeks public assistance in finding missing 3 year old

Imogen Vollenhoven
31 July 2013

The Grassy Park Community Policing Forum is seeking the assistant of the public in finding a missing 3-year-old girl. 

Oliver Van Voegt was last seen last night at about 19:00 in Steven Place, Lotus River. 

Grassy Park CPF Spokesperson Phillip Bam said that as the CPF they would like to appeal to anyone that knows of her whereabouts to contact the Grassy Park police.

“When her mother saw he last she was wearing a pink cap, a brown pants and blue slippers,” added Bam.

Premier Modise: senseless crimes undermine the Marikana peace accord

Imogen Vollenhoven
31 July 2013

North West Premier Thandi Modise said the senseless killings around Marikana need to be stopped and those responsible unmasked and brought to book.

Over the weekend a 49-year-old Lonmin mine worker was shot dead.  It is alleged that the victim was on his way to work when approached by unknown men who shot him with a firearm in a chest and neck.

The suspects allegedly fled the scene.  Modise said the crimes undermine the Marikana peace accord and Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe’s Draft Framework Agreement for a Sustainable Mining Industry.

Premier Modise’s Spokesperson Lesiba Kgwele said that the premier has also called for intensified law enforcement to protect and ensure that peace and stability prevails and that persons and property are protected so as to provide a contentious environment for development.

“Acts of provocation, violence and intimidation in the area undermines the Marikana peace accord and the framework for peace disturbs stability in the mining industry signed by NUM and AMCU in February this year,” added Kgwele.

SACP shocked by the number of death of initiates

Imogen Vollenhoven
31 July 2013

The South African Communist Party in the Eastern Cape said it is shocked at the rising numbers in death of initiates in the province.  In this year alone 39 deaths have been reported. 

SACP Provincial Spokesperson Siyabonga Mdodi said the situation in the province has reached alarming proportions which require a solution urgently. 

The SACP has also dismissed the way the Daily Dispatch in recent weeks has reported on the deaths of initiates in the province. Mdodi said that the Daily Dispatch has a responsibility to report about challenges facing society to everyone.

The Daily Dispatch in pursuit of sensationalism, drama and profits has ignored the trauma this will cause to their families, relatives, friends, colleagues and society at large. This exhibiting of the minors faces serve no material purpose in telling the sad story that society ought to deal with,” added Mdodi.

WC high court ruled against the school closures

Mluleki Mrwebi
31 July 2013

The African National Congress in the Western Cape has welcomed the court ruling on the closure of schools in the Province.

MEC Donald Grant earlier last year proposed to close 17 schools, citing poor performance and dwindling pupil numbers.

The Save Our Schools Campaign opposed the decision and took the MEC to court.

ANC Leader in Province Marius Fransman said the MEC does not understand education and this was a victory for the community and the other organisations that were against these closures.

Fransman further said the Premier and the MEC should resign because they wasted tax payers` money and as the ANC in the Province now they will be calling for the court expenditure to be revealed and they must account for that expenditure.

Meanwhile the Western Cape Education Department said this is a sad day for our schools.

MEC Spokesperson Bronagh Casey said this judgment has compromised education opportunities for learners at the schools that were earmarked for closures.

Casey said the WCDE will continue to support the schools and they welcome the court judgment.
Casey added that for now they are studying the court ruling and they will decide a way forward from there. 


Five people died in an accident

Mluleki Mrwebi
31 July 2013

Paramedics late last night attended to a scene whereby five people died two of them children and five others were left injured. 

It is believed that a truck collided with a bakkie on the R102 in Shakas Head in Kwazulu Natal.

The exact details of the cause of the accident are subject to a police investigation.

Netcare 911 Spokesperson Chris Botha said when paramedics arrived at the scene five people had died already and the injured were treated at the scene before being transported to a nearby hospital.

Smart ID Card Printing Machines named after struggle veterans

Mluleki Mrwebi
31 July 2013

President Jacob Zuma on Tuesday attended the naming of the Smart ID Card Printing Machines at the Government Printing Works in Pretoria.

Zuma also received his Smart ID Card from Minister of Home Affairs, Naledi Pandor. 

The four Smart ID card printing machines were named after struggle veterans Sophie De Bruyn, Lillian Ngoyi, Helen Joseph and Rahima Moosa. 

Zuma said the process of changing over to the new card will take longer to complete. 

Zuma said the new ID Smart card will have biometric and other features that will enable individuals to prove their unique identity with hundred percent certainty.
He added that this will enable government and businesses to deliver services that are more secured and efficient.


President Zuma urged support for the Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital Project

Loyiso Langeni
31 July 2013

President Jacob Zuma on Tuesday urged the public and the private sector to support the Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital project. 

Zuma also said Former President Nelson Mandela is still in a critical but stable condition in hospital and continues to show improvement. 

Mandela has been in hospital for a month being treated for a recurring lung infection.

“President Zuma said Madiba loves children’s and wants the best for them,” Presidency Spokesperson Mac Maharaj said.

Maharaj added that he wants people to ensure that children have the better future. 

DA calls for the scrap of the NYDA

Loyiso Langeni
31 July 2013

The National Youth Development Agency on Tuesday postponed its next youth awards ceremony following the suspension last week of its CEO. 

Meanwhile the Democratic Alliance said given the poor track record of the NYDA, and with the millions of young South Africans without access to job opportunities, it is not reasonable for the organization to spend millions on one event. 

It has been reported that the NYDA will spend R10 million on the awards this year.  DA MP of the Minister of the Presidency Joe McGluwa said they do not need the agency anymore.

McGluwa added that minister of Public Enterprises Malusi Gigaba also does not see any improvement in the NYDA.

MEC Botha to discuss safety of EMS and other heath workers

Imogen Vollenhoven
31 July 2013

The Western Cape Department of Health has joined forces with several organisations to raise concerns around safety of ambulance personnel and other health workers. 

MEC of Health Theuns Botha said the recent spate of attacks on Emergency Medical Services personnel include staff being held at gunpoint and robbed of expensive lifesaving equipment. 

Ministerial Spokesperson Helene Rossouw said that the Western Cape Health MEC Theuns Botha said he will be meeting with the EMS management to discuss possible options that would dissolve their risk situation.

“We will not allow a situation that will continue to put our staff at risk,” added Rossouw.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Police killings in the WC condemned

Imogen Vollenhoven
30 July 2013

Cape Town Mayor Patricia de Lille said she is saddened by the spate of killings of police officers in the province.

Three police officers have been killed two over the weekend and one was killed in Mitchell’s Plain on Monday night. 

Spokesperson to the Mayor Solly Malatsi said that the killing of one police officer is a general attack on law and order on the society and needs to be condemned by all law abiding citizens of the country.

“The mayor has urged everyone to do everything that they can to ensure that we build safer communities and also appeals to anyone with information that could lead to the arrest, to assist the police,” added Malatsi.

He further said that they can arrest those individuals behind these attacks because it is totally unacceptable that the men and women who go beyond the call of duty to keep t he streets safe are victims of senseless crimes in their own communities.

Meanwhile the Council of the Cape Law Society has joined many organisations that have also condemned the killings of police officers. 

Police have not yet made any arrests in relation to the three murders of police officers. 

Spokesperson of the Council of the Cape Law Society Ramphela Mokoena said that everyone must condemn the killing of members of the police.

“Government must take all the legal steps to stop the attack on our men in blue,” added Mokoena.

He said that the president of the Cape Law Society has expressed his condolences to the family and friends of the fallen heroes of our country.

Furthermore he explains that they also support the hardworking members of the South African Police Service and encourage them to continue to serve the people of South Africa.

Metrorail under the spot light for bad service

Imogen Vollenhoven
30 July 2013

The African Christian Democratic Party in the Western Cape has called on Metrorail in the province to take a hard look at itself and rate its services. 

ACDP Leader in the province Ferlon Christian said the services of Metrorail are falling short and missing the mark. 

Christians said that as the ACDP they are calling on Metrorail to consider the knock on affect on their pathetic service on the economy of the nation.

“When the workers in the train, arrive late at work they get penalised but also our productivity is negatively affected and then the commuter gets penalised, get short pay at the end of the work day,” said Christians.

Meanwhile Regional Manager of Metrorail Mthuthuzeli Swartz said it has noted the comments made by ACDP. 

Swartz said he wants to assure commuters that Metrorail is doing everything in their power to bring serious change to the service. 

Swartz said that over the next few weeks they will be unveiling some of the very drastic changes that they are making within the region.

“The CEO of Metrorail will be in the region to unveil all of those improvements and some of the changes that we are starting to affect now,” added swartz.

Prevention and Combating of Trafficking in Persons Bill signed into law

Mluleki Mrwebi
30 July 2013

President Jacob Zuma on Monday signed the Prevention and Combating of Trafficking in Persons Bill into law. 

In a statement Zuma said for the first time South Africa will have a single act which addresses the scourge of trafficking in persons holistically and comprehensively. 

The new legislation gives effect to South Africa’s international obligations in terms of a United Nations Protocol. 

Presidency Spokesperson Mac Maharaj said the legislation also focuses on the plight of victims, providing them with protection and assistance to overcome their traumatic and life threatening experiences.

He added that the plan is to have the act put into operation as soon as possible.

Eight people injured in an accident in Daveyton

Mluleki Mrwebi
30 July 2013

Netcare 911 paramedics this morning responded to an accident on Turton Road in Daveyton where by eight people were left injured. 

The exact details of the cause of the accident will remain the subject of a police investigation. 

Netcare 911 Spokesperson Santi Steinmann said when paramedics arrived they found that a minibus had overturned, resulting in eight people injuring and four of them were seriously injured and the other four sustained minor to moderate injuries.

She added that the injured people were treated on the scene before being transported to various hospitals for further medical care. 

ACDP calls on WC officials to spend budget correctly

Mluleki Mrwebi
30 July 2013

The African Christian Democratic Party in the Western Cape says that residents flooded out of their homes due to heavy rain over the weekend in Du Noon informal settlement, just highlights the seriousness of living conditions.

The ACDP has called on the Premier Helen Zille and the Mayor Patricia de Lille to improve living conditions in the province as soon as possible. 

ACDP’s Provincial Leader Ferlon Christians said the problem that the City is having was raised earlier this year, for the officials to spend the budget correctly, because the problems in the informal settlements affect the health system.

Christians added that the ACDP supports equality for all not certain individuals.

DA: Defence Department has failed to report on weapons acquisition

Loyiso Langeni
30 July 2013

The Democratic Alliance says that for the past four years, the Defence Department has failed to provide detailed reports on armaments acquisition programmes to Parliament.

DA MP of Defence and Military Veterans David Maynier said the country needs to ensure that the Defence Department complies with its own policy on armaments acquisition and submit regular reports to Parliament. 

Maynier said the current status of the various armaments acquisition programmes is unknown.

DA's Maynier added that the Department of defense is covering mismanagement including significant schedule slips, major cost overruns and major failures at state arms manufacturer Denel.

Another Police Officer shot dead in Mitchell’s Plain

Loyiso Langeni
30 July 2013

Last night the police received yet another report about a police officer who was attacked at his house in Montclaire, Mitchell’s Plain.

It is believed that two unidentified men knocked at the door of the sergeant’s home, when the policeman’s wife opened the door the suspects asked for the police officer, who then approached the door. 

Lieutenant Colonel Tembinkosi Kinana said it is alleged that the suspects demanded a safe which it had a firearm.

The suspects then fired shoots at him and he died on the scene. The 34-year-old officer was off duty at the time.

A case of armed robbery and murder is being investigated and no arrests have yet been made.

“An attack to the Police officer is an attack to the society we are saying out efforts to serve and protect our communities will not be deterred by these cold blooded and heartless criminals,” Kinana added.

SAMWU not backing off on their demands

Loyiso Langeni
30 July 2013

On Monday the Pikitup strike which was planned was halted, this is after the South African Municipal Workers Union received legal papers preventing the industrial action from taking place. 

Pikitup employees are demanding transport to and from their work depot.  Samwu’s Tahir Sema they will meet workers again to try and come up with solution and they will pronounce the way forward.

“However at this moment in time our demands still remain and we are not happy with corruption that is taking place in the Pikitup entity,” Sema said.

They will announce any further action in the coming days.

Plato: Mthethwa plays politics while people are being killed

Loyiso Langeni
30 July 2013

The Western Cape MEC of Community Safety Dan Plato said Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa is the biggest roadblock to effective policing in the province. 

MEC Plato said it is inappropriate that Mthethwa would use the death of police officers for electioneering purposes. 

Ministerial Spokesperson Greg Wagner said MEC Plato emphasized that while people are being killed in the province the National Minister of Police is playing politics and that is totally inappropriate.

Wagner added that the constitution entitles provinces to conduct oversight over the police, but every attempt is being made by the Western Cape government to improve policing in the province.

Ministerial Spokesperson Greg Wagner added that attempts to improve policing have been blocked, undermined and prevented by the ANC government.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Five suspects arrested for murder in Mbongolwane

Loyiso Langeni
29 July 2013

Mbongolwane police on Monday said over the weekend five family members were killed at Mbongolwane area,Kwazulu Natal and five suspects were arrested for their involvement in the murders. 

Captain Thulani Zwane said it is alleged that five family members were in one of the houses when a group of people came in and patrol bombed four houses.

The suspects who are between 19 and 36-years-old are facing five counts of murder charges.

The five suspects are expected to appear in the Eshowe Magistrate Court on Tuesday.  

Mthethwa is concerned about political leaders criticising the police in public

Loyiso Langeni
29 July 2013

Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa said the continued criticism of police by the Western Cape government is a problem.

Mthethwa said they are calling everybody to support the police to ensure that we strengthened their hands in the fight against crime and not weaken it. 

Mthethwa said it is not helping in a province where the attacks of the Police are brazen.

“It’s not helping to have a political leadership of this province always attacking Police” said Mthethwa

He added that there are positive things which Police are doing. People should show support this is what they get when they interact with people.

NSRI continue with their search of a surfer at Kommetjie Beach

Mluleki Mrwebi
29 July 2013

The National Sea Rescue Institute were on Sunday activated following eye-witness reports of a surfer suspected to be missing at sea off-shore of Kommetjie Beach. 

It is believed the surfer encountered difficulty after surfing late evening on Sunday. 

NSRI Spokesperson Craig Lambinon said the surfer had been surfing after dark and it appeared to people on the Beach front that he was experiencing difficulty.

Lambinon also said despite the search he has not been found, hopefully he got out of water and went home but the search continues.

Opposition parties call for transparence in the Western Cape

Mluleki Mrwebi
29 July 2013

The African National Congress in the Western Cape has called for the Democratic Alliance to be truthful about its spending budget.

ACDP Provincial Leader Ferlon Christians has called on all opposition parties and the people of Cape Town to vote no confidence in the DA. 

Christians said they are rolling over money that is not spent and they do all sorts of things and according to Tony Eirehnrech they spent 93% of the budget.

Christians further said the people need to be addressed and they(DA) must be truthful to the people of the province. 


Youth development seminar to be held in the North West

Mluleki Mrwebi
29 July 2013

North West Premier Thandi Modise said the use of experts and specialists to roll out the youth development implementation plan to benefit young people in the North West province was endorsed by the North West Provincial Executive Council last week.

Modise said that the development of young people is critical for the province to advance human development and economic growth.

Spokesperson to the Premier Lesiba Kgwele said the multimillion programme is to be started this week with a career guidance expo for grade 12 learners from historical disadvantage schools.

Kgwele added that the expo will be followed by seminar on entrepreneurship development and workshop on the establishment of a youth co-operative. 

FAWU held mass recruitment

Imogen Vollenhoven
29July 2013

The Food and Allied workers union held a mass recruitment drive in Witfontein, North West on Sunday.

Fawu’s North West Provincial Secretary Tseleng Tau said the recruitment was aimed at recruiting farmworkers to assist those that have been unfairly dismissed, retrenched and evicted on farms. 

Tau said that as the union they are saying that they understand that the farmers are saying that they can’t afford to pay the workers the minimum wage.

He added that if they can prove to them as Fawu that they cannot afford to pay the workers they need to prove it by giving them the audited financial statement for five years.

“So that we can check how their performance was for the past five years,” added Tau.

Two police officers shot dead in Khayelitsha

Mluleki Mrwebi
29 July 2013

Western Cape Police today said two police officers were killed in Khayelitsha last night. 

The exact circumstances regarding the murders are still being investigated by the police. 

This incident follows the one last week whereby a police officer was shot dead and another injured in Nyanga. 

Provincial Police Commissioner Arno Lamoer said the officers were both on duty, when the incident happened.

Lamoer further urged community members to come forward with any information that may help in ensure that the perpetrators are arrested.

DA accuses ANC of misusing government resources

Imogen Vollenhoven
29July 2013

The Democratic Alliance in the Western Cape said it strongly condemns the manner in which the African National Congress in the province misuses national government resources in local election campaigns. 

This follows an incident which happened in Goedverwacht in the Berg River on Friday. 

DA Head of Berg River Constituency Alta Rossouw said she will be requesting the Independent Electoral Commission to investigate the local ANC’s abuse of a national government department.

Rossouw said that it is very sad that governments intentions of having a very good briefing to the communities that don’t often get that information taken by the ANC especially in an area where there is going to be a by-election.

“When having a government outreach it’s for all the people irrespective of political affiliation and that’s how it should be and it puts officials in an awkward position,” added Rossouw.

She also said that they will forward their complaints to the Independent Electoral Commission to investigate that matter.

NW province to be a destination of choice for investors

Imogen Vollenhoven
29July 2013

North West Premier Thandi Modise said the province has positioned itself as a hub for high moral standards, tolerance, social cohesion and peace-making. 

This is to make the province a destination of choice for investors and a model of reconciliation and peaceful resolution. 

Modise added that re-branding of the province must begin with a huge turnaround. 

Spokesperson to the Premier Lesiba Kgwele said that Premier Modise said that the province has to recapture, remote, rebuild and reproduce the goods that it is known for.

“And that the strategy development process that she has launched has to have as an outcome the culture of a new brand reality rooted in the culture of service delivery envisioned in the national development plan,” added Kgwele.

He also said that it is a promise of improved world class livelihoods and infrastructure and ultimately a better life for the citizens of the province.  

MEC Grant attended ICT handover at Cape School

Imogen Vollenhoven
29 July 2013

Western Cape MEC of Education Donald Grant last week attended an ICT handover ceremony at Pniel Primary School. 

Ministerial Spokesperson Bronagh Casey said the school now has in place a fully integrated network, with network connectivity in every classroom. 

Casey said that it was a donation by Mediclinic SA to the value of about R135 000 and they received about 30 laptops, ICT equipment and broadband technology.

“This will help deliver the quality of curriculum in the classrooms, which is in line with the Western Cape government initiative to improve education outcomes,” added Casey.   

Sunday, July 28, 2013

DA mourning the loss of Geuteng MPL Dr Gavin Lewis

Imogen Vollenhoven
28 July 2013

The Democratic Alliance today said that they are mourning the loss of the Geuteng MPL Dr Gavin Lewis.

Dr Lewis passed away this morning after a short illness. DA Chief of staff Georgin Hill Lewis said their thoughts and prayers are with his friends and family in this time. 

Hill Lewis explains further that Dr lewis was a long standing member of DA and was very passionate about economic policy and about getting the South African economy to work.

“DA leader Helen Zille has extended her very sincere condolences to his family and all of his colleagues in Geuteng who will miss him dearly,” added Hill Lewis.

Accident in Kensington claims the lives of two

Imogen Vollenhoven
28July 2013
An accident in Kensington has left two people dead.

ER 24 spokesperson Vanessa Jackson said it appeared that he 22 year old driver of a BMW had lost control of his vehicle and crashed into a wall hitting four pedestrians which has been standing on the sidewalk at the time.

Jackson said that the driver collided into four pedestrians that was standing that was standing on the sidewalk at the time.

“Sadly one of the injured pedestrians passed away on the scene and the three others that was treated for very serious injuries including broken bones,” said Jackson.

She added that the driver also suffered fatal injuries and he had no chance of survival due to the extent of his injuries due it the impact.

Jackson furthermore said that at this time the police are still investigating what caused this horrific and fatal accident.

MEC Madikizela met with recent beneficiaries of Social Housing Programme

Imogen Vollenhoven
28July 2013

Western Cape MEC for Human Settlements Bonginkosi Madikizela together with several provincial municipal Mayors met with some of the recent beneficiaries of the Departments Social Housing Programme.

Ministerial Spokesperson Bruce Oom said this meeting was to showcase the programme which includes beneficiaries and some senior citizens. 

Oom said they are very decent housing options living in a communal state and paying something towards their housing.

“Right now the focus around the Western Cape in to not only give free housing; the idea is to try and expose different mayors and key decision makers the fact that there are other housing options available and with the hope that they will then start to spend their money on social housing projects in the future,” added Oom.

He added that the social housing project do contribute towards the municipal funding as people pay rent, rates and pay for services and it also allows people to have a sense of dignity.

Marikana Solidarity Campaign set to lobby

Imogen Vollenhoven
28 July 2013

The Marikana Solidarity Campaign said the integrity of the Marikana Commission of Inquiry is once again at stake. 

Spokesperson for the Marikana Solidarity Campaign Rehad Desai said they intend to lobby, advocate and to mobilize support for all efforts to get the state to abide by its constitutional obligations and fund the lawyers representing the families of the miners.

The commission is set to continue for another four months this is three times longer than planned. 

Desai said that these miners are facing serious public disorder charges and murder charges and the commission is supposed to uncover the truth about what actually happened.

He added that they are meant to have a restorative function, which means that justice to seen to be done in order to bring some stability to the country.

“Particularly those communities and the mineworkers but this is really adding fuel to fire, a fire which is burning around the living wage demand and these terrible living conditions,” said Desai.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Accident in City Centre kills one

Imogen Vollenhoven
27July 2013

This morning ER24 paramedics responded to an accident at the corners of Buitenkant and Darling Streets. 

A Toyota Corolla and a double can Hilux bakkie collided into each other leaving one person dead. 

Investigation into the accident is being conducted by police. 

ER24 Spokesperson Vanessa Jackson said when they arrived on scene the metro services were already performing CPR on one of the occupants of the Toyota Corolla that had allegedly been ejected from the vehicle.

Jackson added that they tried everything to revive the man but sadly there was no change in his condition and he was later declared deceased on the scene.

She said that there was another two men in the same car and they were treated for moderate injuries and taken to the New Somerset hospital for further care.

“At this time we believe that the occupants of the double cab were actually detained for questions by the police and they suffered no physical injuries that needed further care in hospital and police are still investigating what caused this fatal crash,” said Jackson.

Collision leaves one dead and one injured

 Imogen Vollenhoven
27July 2013

An accident in Park Rynie this morning claimed the life of one person and another injured. 

It is believed that two cars collided into each other. 

The exact details of the cause of the accident will remain the subject of a police investigation. 

Netcare 911 Spokesperson Chris Botha said that when they arrived there, there were two cars that collided head on.

“The driver of the one vehicle was pulled out of the vehicle by bystanders, he was lying on the ground,” added Botha.

He furthermore explains that he tragically had died due to his severe injuries before their arrival.

Botha also said that the other driver had sustained injuries and was treated on scene and then transported to a local hospital for further care.

Two prisoners arrested for extortion related charges

Two prisoners were arrested last week for extortion related charges. PICTURE: PIXABAY According to police, the two suspects operated from ...