Friday, October 31, 2014

Motorists wanted to drive with care over pay-weekend

Oscar Thomas
31 October 2014

The Western Cape Department of Transport and Public Works said it is concerned about the increase in fatalities on the province’s roads over pay day weekend. 

Ministerial Spokesperson Siphesihle Dube said in September pay weekend resulted in 31 people being killed of which 16 of the fatalities were vehicle occupants whose bodies were recovered outside the vehicle, a sign of not buckling up. 

Dube said Pay day means more money available for people to travel, shop and visit loved ones, but it also means more money available for the purchase of alcohol.

Dube said greater mobility and greater access to alcohol are reflected in spikes in the death rate over pay day weekends.

“While further data analysis is required to isolate all of the factors involved, the public are warned please to exercise extra caution over this time Dube added.

Meanwhile Western Cape Traffic Chief Kenny Africa has warned motorists to not exceed the speed limit and exercise extreme caution while driving. 

He added that motorist need to not drink and drive and pedestrian also need to careful when crossing the road especially on highways. 

Africa said do not mix alcohol and road use. Driving or walking on the roads while intoxicated is a quick way to an early grave. Use public transport if you intend drinking alcohol.

“Remember that we will be on the roads all night all weekend, and you could end up in jail if you choose to get behind the wheel after drinking Africa added.

Impendle man convicted for rape

Oscar Thomas
31 October 2014

A man has been sentenced to eight years in imprisonment by the Pietermaritizburg Regional Court for rape. 

Lungisani Dlamini raped a five-year-old child and dumped the body in a field. 

The KwaZulu Natal Provincial Commissioner Lieutenant General Mmamonnye Ngobeni said the work done by the investigators in this case shows the commitment of the police in fighting crimes against women and children.

Major Thulani Zwane said On 9 August 2014 the victim was sleeping at her friend’s place at Emahlutshini area, Impendle when she was approached by the accused.

Zwane said she was raped and the accused fled the scene on foot.

Zwane said a case of rape was opened at Impendle police station for further investigation.

“Howick Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit took over the investigation that led to the arrest of the accused Zwane added.

SACP supports strike by MyCiti bus drivers

Oscar Thomas
31 October 2014

The South African Communist Party in the Western Cape said it is fully behind the strike by MyCiti bus drivers who are demanding a wage increase. 

The drivers embarked on a strike on Wednesday leaving Atlantis, Du Noon and Table View routes affected.

The drivers are demanding a wage increase meanwhile the city says the dispute is between the bus drivers and a private company.

SACP Provincial Spokesperson Masonwabe Sokoyi said the strike was a last resort, but that it would remain peaceful and the police response was unnecessary.

Sokoyi said the police mustn’t chase us like this.

Sokoyi said we’ve done nothing wrong. We are unarmed, we would never burn anything, and we’re not going to do any damage.

Sokoyi said things would be worse when they arrived in Dunoon, because residents would join in the strike and things would escalate.

“It’s going to be worse there the community will come and join us. We wanted to keep this away from the community Sokoyi added.

Missing Adult Alert : Cheslyn Adonis

ACDP calls on out of the box ideas for sustainable food security

Oscar Thomas
31 October 2014

The African Christian Democratic Party said thinking out of the box is necessary to ensure sustainable projects for food security. 
According to a study done by the Human Sciences Research Council last year, it revealed that more than half of South Africans do not have regular access to enough food. 

ACDP MP Cheryllyn Dudley said a novel idea that I’ve seen very recently is the Miss Uganda competition has actually been turned into something that promotes agriculture particularly amongst the youth.

Dudley said now whether or not this particular idea would work in South Africa or not I don’t know, if I’m anything to go on id not be too hopeful.

“But it is a great example of thinking out of the box and for that I salute Uganda and the amazing young women pioneering this new kind of pageant putting the needs of their country first Dudley added.

Western Cape police arrested Matric learner killers

Oscar Thomas
31 October 2014

Cape Town police have managed to arrest two suspects aged 18 and 26-years-old for the murder of an 18-year-old matric learner from Delft.

Colonel Thembinkosi Kinana said the learner was shot last week Friday and he sustained multiple gunshot wounds to his face and head and died on the scene. 

The two are expected to appear in the Bellville Magistrate Court on Monday. 

Kinana said Information gathered indicated that the 18 year old had gone to cut his hair but as he left the barber shop, suspects opened fire on him in the street thereby fatally injuring him.

Kinana said the unknown suspects fled the scene on foot.

Kinana said Police established a task team to investigate the incident and subsequently, two suspects aged between 18 and 26 were arrested.

“Both suspects are facing charges of murder and will appear in the Bellville Court on Monday the 3rd November 2014
Kinana added.

An accident leaves eighteen people injured

Lusanda Bill
31 October 2014

An accident this morning involving two minibuses at the intersection of William Nicol and Bruton in Fourways left eighteen people injured.

Netcare 911 Spokesperson Santi Steinmann said when paramedics arrived on the scene they found that two minibuses had collided which left eighteen people sustaining injuries from moderate to serious.

Steinmann said all eighteen people were treated on scene before they were transported to hospital for the further medical care that they required.

The exact details to the cause of the accident will remain the subject of a police investigation. 

Missing Child Found: Danielle Polman

Missing Child Found: Nikita Beck

Cable theft leaves 150 trains delayed in Cape Town

Lusanda Bill
31 October 2014

Theft of four metres of cable towards Cape Town station resulted in major delays of about an hour this morning leaving commuters stranded. 

Regional Manager Richard Walker said 150 trains were affected during the peak hour. 

Walker has called on the public to report scrap dealers buying copper without the requisite certificates of origin. 

Metrorail’s Riana Scott said when cable theft affects us like that where 73 core cables are cut it is difficult to restore.  However our technicians rushed to the scene and managed to repair the cable but by then the peak hour backlog had already had significant delays.

Scott said currently the delays are down to 40 minutes and we apologies to our customers for this delays.

“We will be sitting with the police to see how we can secure the area to prevent a recurrence” Scott added.

WCED launches initiative to improve quality of education

Lusanda Bill
31 October 2014

The Western Cape Department of Education on Thursday launched an initiative that will improve the quality of education in the province and maps Non-Governmental Organisations work in schools in the province. 

MEC Debbie Schafer said a concern of the department has been that the support is often unequally distributed, both in terms of the kind of support provided and the concentration of effort. 

Ministerial Spokesperson Jessica Shelver said the new system will make it possible for the department and civil society to work together and to use the resources as effectively and efficiently as possible where they are needed most. 

Shelver said the new system can be found on the Western Cape government website and we also appeal to all NGO’s to register on database so that we can collaborate more effectively for the benefit of our learners.

New emergency centre to open in Cape Town

Oscar Thomas
31 October 2014

The Western Cape MEC of Health Thenus Botha will today open the new emergency centre at Karl Bremer Hospital. 

MEC Botha said there has been an increase in patient numbers at emergency centres which has a direct effect on the overall service delivery in the province. 

The Department’s Sithembiso Magubane said In his address Minister Botha will elaborate on the significant increase in patient numbers at Emergency Centers, the reasons therefore and the impact on overall service delivery in the province.

Magubane said the new emergency centre is set to increase capacity over the region for emergencies which currently is a burden on surrounding Hospitals.

Magubane said the new building is equipped with R20 million state of the art equipment, and will include four resuscitation beds and numerous trolleys for acute patients.

Magubane said it also has 14 overnight beds that include two isolation rooms.

“The building also has a new medical records section Magubane added.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Limpopo fails to spend R500 million Human Settlements Development grant

Oscar Thomas
30 October 2014

The Democratic Alliance has called for urgent action for the Limpopo Provincial government. 

This is after the government has failed to spend its allocated Human Settlements Development grant of R500 million for the 2013/2014 financial year. 

DA MP of Human Settlements Makashule Gana said if the budget was spent more than 9 000 homes could have been built. 

Gana said this money could have been spent on completing human settlements projects in Sekhukhune District Municipality and in the Lebogang Township.

Gana said according to our calculations, more than 9000 homes could have been built.

Gana said It is shocking that the department promised to build 12 500 houses by the end of the 2013/14 financial year and only managed to build 1500 houses of the set target.

Gana said at the same time it has handed a billion back to treasury in unspent money.

“It is high time that Minister Sisulu takes control and resolves this issue in the provincial department once and for all Gana added.

2 arrested after dramatic N1 shootout

Oscar Thomas
30 October 2014

Police have managed to arrest two suspects following a shoot-out north of Johannesburg near Kempton Park.

Lieutenant Colonel Lungelo Dlamini said a group of suspects tried to flee from police after they stole cigarettes from a truck at Glen Marais Mall.

Dlamini said no one was injured during the shoot-out however cigarettes worth R30 000 were stolen. 

The two suspects are expected to appear in court within 48hours. 

Dlamini said as the shooting continued, suspects abandoned a Golf and tried to hijack another vehicle.

Dlamini said in the process, a police chopper had already joined the chase and suspects also abandoned a hijacked vehicle and ran away on foot.

Dlamini said it is where both of them were arrested.

Dlamini said No one was injured in the incident, but a police vehicle was damaged. An unlicensed R5 rifle was recovered.

Dlamini said other suspects who were driving in a Quantum are still at large. Approximately R30 000 worth of cigarettes were stolen.

“The two would appear in the Kempton Park Magistrate's Court within 48 hours Dlamini added.


Fraud syndicate arrested

Oscar Thomas
30 October 2014

Three suspects aged between 25 and 30-years-old were arrested in Durban on Wednesday for fraud. 

Colonel Jay Naicker said the suspects who were being investigated for a while by the provincial Crime Intelligence and Durban Organised Crime Unit were found to have defrauded bank clients of their cash. 

They are expected to appear in the Durban Magistrate Court on Friday. 

Naicker said Members from the Crime Intelligence Unit had been following information of suspects who have been defrauding bank clients of their cash.

Naicker said the three suspects who were operating from a flat in Point would allegedly call bank clients and inform them that there is a company which is planning to debit the clients account via an unauthorized debit.

Naicker said Crime Intelligence members finally located the flat where the females were operating from and on entering the flat the members found the three suspects with over ten bank cards and lists with people’s names and identity numbers.

“The suspects were arrested and will appear at the Durban Magistrate’s Court on Friday, 31 October 2014 facing charges of fraud Naicker added.



Boat runs aground at Richards Bay

Oscar Thomas
30 October 2014

The National Sea Rescue Institute in Richards Bay attended to reports of a ski-boat that run aground with three crewmembers onboard at the time of the incident.

NSRI Spokesperson Craig Lambinon said the three decided to go fishing but shortly into their trip the boat motor died and they were washed onto the Port South Arm.

Lambinon said NSRI rescue swimmers were put ashore and confirmed all 3 men were safe and not injured.

Lambinon said a tow-line was rigged to the casualty boat and our sea rescue craft pulled the boat free of the Dolosse and towed it to our sea rescue base where she was moored.

Lambinon said we then returned to the scene to collect the 3 casualties and to collect our rescue swimmers.

Lambinon said the three men were brought to our sea rescue base safely and they required no further assistance.

“The casualty boat appears to have minimal damage with only a few scratches Lambinon added.

Cape Chamber of Commerce : Metrorail arson attack planned

Oscar Thomas
30 October 2014

The Cape Chamber of Commerce says the recent arson attack on several train carriages in Salt River over the weekend was a planned move against Metrorail and its commuters. 

This year alone a total of 35 carriages in eight incidents have either been lost or damaged as a result of fire or arson.

Over the weekend 19 train carriages were torched at the Salt River depot.

The chamber's President Janine Myburgh said a suspect arrested after 19 train coaches were torched at a Metrorail depot at the weekend is expected to appear in court this week.

Myburgh said they believe this was a planned act.

Meanwhile police have arrested one suspect for the incident over the weekend. 

However Myburgh says the immediate challenge was for the crime intelligence services to pin point the real culprits.

Meanwhile the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa said over the past three years it has lost more than R380 million to vandalism and arson attacks in the province. 

Myburgh said the vital question we must now ask is about the motive for the attack and who or what organisations are behind it.

Myburgh said at this stage what we need is information and I appeal to anybody who might know something to contact the police, the metro police, or even the chamber if they would like to remain anonymous.

“We will pass the information on to the authorities and monitor progress Myburgh added.

Police searching for two suspects who raped a 28-year-old woman

Lusanda Bill
30 October 2014

Police in Kimberely have called for the public’s assistance in tracing two suspects who took turns in raping a 28-year-old woman. 

Lieutenant Olebogeng Tawana said the incident happened early this month and the victim was with her boyfriend when the two suspects approached them and held the man at knifepoint.

Tawana said they raped the victim in front of her boyfriend and prohibiting him from helping her or getting assistance. One of the suspect was wearing a black tracksuit top and the other one was wearing a blue cap with three quarter pants. They are both in the late twenties and they are slender and slim built and light and dark in complexion.

“Anyone with information is kindly asked to contact Constable Antonie on 053 8384 307 / 4550 / 10 111” Tawana added.

Missing Child Alert: Tawfiq Petersen

A suspect arrested in connection with robbery at Canal Walk

Lusanda Bill
30 October 2014

The Western Cape MEC of Community Safety Dan Plato has commended the action of a member of the public who identified one of the suspects involved with the robberies in Canal Walk, and reported it. 

In a statement MEC Plato said the suspect was identified after security was alerted and he was then apprehended and detained until police arrived. 

Ministerial Spokesperson Ewald Botha said MEC Plato stated that this quick thinking recognising the need to perform a civic duty and approaching the relevant authorities has led to an arrest, which will now hopefully lead to more information being retrieved by the police.

Botha said the MEC has urged the broader public to follow this excellent example of being safety conscious and working with security, law enforcement and the police in creating safer environments in our province.

“This arrest serves as a warning to suspects and would-be criminals that the SAPS and the provincial government stand united against crime in the province” Botha added.

WC Department of Social Development receives clean audit

Lusanda Bill
30 October 2014

Western Cape MEC of Social Development Albert Fritz said the department has improved the quality of and the expansion of service delivery through the province. 

This is after the department received a clean audit outcome for the 2013/2014 period.  MEC Fritz said the department has introduced several initiatives that are paving the way nationally and internationally.

Fritz said we did three things that we thought was necessary to do. Firstly we made sure that every single NGO that is fund reports properly to us with verifiable information. Secondly every cent that we paid out from the tax payer’s money to anyone was accounted for. Lastly we looked at our own services as the department and to see how do we improve the reporting and service delivery systems within the department.

Meanwhile MEC Albert Fritz said there is still much to be done when it comes to service delivery especially for the poor and vulnerable in the province. 

He added that efforts by the department to deal with service delivery issues is paying off but more can be done.

MEC Frtiz said we want to get to a point as the department where we can say proudly that we are servicing the poor, vulnerable and the people that need us most.

“We do not have time to still waste when the needs of our community are so big that we need urgent interventions” Fritz added.

Three suspects arrested for cash-in-transit in Richards Bay

Lusanda Bill
30 October 2014

Police in Richards Bay arrested three suspects in two cash-in transit incident.

In the first incident a 46-year-old man was arrested for armed robbery this is after he opened fire on a security van and the driver lost control. 

In the second incident a 43 and a 52-year-old were arrested near Empangeni following a search at their homestead. 

Colonel Jay Naicker said during the arrest police found three illegal firearms as well as R27 000 in cash at the house. His brother was also arrested at the house with an illegal firearm.

Naicker said this suspect is the third to be arrested for the cash-in-transit incidents in the area.

“An investigation into the matter is on-going and we are convinced that we will arrest the rest of the gang” Naicker added.

Missing Child Alert: Nikita Beck

Missing Adult Alert: Daniel Maree

Premier to Launch Better Living Challenge Showcase

Oscar Thomas
30 October 2014

Western Cape Premier Helen Zille together with MEC Alan Winde and MEC Bonginkosi Madikizela will today launch the Better Living Challenge Showcase. 

The project initiated by the provincial government is promoting design for social benefit and upliftment.

Premier Zille’s Spokesperson Michael Mpofu said the Better Living Challenge is a three-year project initiated by the Western Cape Government’s 110% Green initiative and managed by the Cape Craft and Design Institute.

Mpofu said the Better Living Challenge has been recognized as an official project of the Cape Town World Design Capital 2014 programme. 

“WDC is promoting design for social benefit and upliftment the Challenge fits well with these aims.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

World Bank Report: SA drops six places

Oscar Thomas
29 October 2014

The Democratic Alliance has raised its concern regarding the country’s economy which it deems is going in the wrong direction. 

This is after the World Bank’s Doing Business report for 2015 revealed that South Africa’s economy dropped six places overall in the world ranking from 37th to 43rd. 

DA MP of Trade and Industry Geordin Hill-Lewis said The DA’s top priority is job creation.

Hill-Lewis said we know that by making it easier to run a small business, by improving trade with Africa, and by positioning ourselves to attract more investment, we can get South Africa’s economy growing again.

Hill-Lewis said this will require creating an economic environment in which businesses can grow, not one in which it is becoming more and more difficult to do business.

“While the ANC’s rhetoric about its “good story” continues, the proof is in the pudding its policies and its leadership are the biggest hindrance to job creation and economic growth Hill-Lewis added.



Salt River Arson attack costs Metrorail R60m

Oscar Thomas
29 October 2014

The Public Transport Voice has condemned the acts of violence and arson attack at the Salt River train depot on Sunday.

PTV’s Zingisani Nkanjeni said we cannot accept that these acts are treated as mere vandalism any more as this is an attack on public property. 

Nkanjeni said it would take from six months to a year for the damaged coaches to be returned to operation, and that the replacement costs were “escalating beyond Prasa’s control.

Nkanjeni said the money would be better spent on improving services and upgrading assets.

Nkanjeni said we want to apologise to the people of Cape Town, because at the end of the day, it’s the commuters who are affected.

 “The thousands of commuters that rely on public transport daily cannot continue to be held ransom by the actions of a few criminals who have a brazen disregard for the law and the needs of others, particularly during this matric examination period Nkanjeni added.



Business robbery suspects arrested

Oscar Thomas
29 October 2014

Five suspects aged between 25 and 28-years-old were arrested in Durban for robbery at a supermarket.

This is after several operations were conducted at Umbilo and Brighton Beach following robberies in the area. 

Colonel Jay Naicker said the suspects robbed a supermarket of goods and held the owner at knifepoint. 

Naicker said the Durban Flying Squad, Durban K9 Unit, Umbilo Detectives and Brighton Beach Cluster Task Team conducted an operation last night following robberies in the area.

Naicker said three men aged between 25 and 28 were arrested in a building in Dalton Road.

Naicker said the suspects were found hiding in the building and they were arrested.

“They will be charged for robbery with aggravating circumstances and will appear in Durban Magistrates’ Court soon Naicker added.


Teachers punished for misconduct

Oscar Thomas
29 October 2014

The Western Cape Department of Education has confirmed that it has reported 400 cases of misconduct against teachers and other public servants employed by the WCED between the 2013/2014 financial year.

Department’s Paddy Attwell said the department has to report on these cases every year in the annual report. 

Attwell said the department’s 2013/14 annual report showed that assault, attempted assault or threats of assault were the most common types of misconduct and 160 of these cases were recorded.

The number of sanctions given over the year did not necessarily equate to the number of misconduct cases as a teacher could, for example, face more than one charge and receive more than one sanction Attwell added.

An accident leaves two people dead

Lusanda Bill
29 October 2014

An accident late last night on the R53 Parys Avenue in the North West left a man and his seven-year-old boy dead and three people injured. 

Netcare 911 Spokesperson Santi Steinmann said when paramedics arrived on the scene they found that a heavy goods vehcile and a light delivery vehcile collided into each other.

Steinmann said upon assessment of all the patients they found that a man tragically lost his life and a woman and three children were in a critical condition.

“The four critically injured patients were rushed to hospital for urgen medical care but tragically a seven-year-old boy passed away during the night” Steinmann added.

The exact details of the cause of the accident will remian the subject of a police investigation.  

Six suspects arrested for stealing diesel

Lusanda Bill
29 October 2014

Cape Town police late last night arrested six suspects for stealing diesel at a pump station at the Cape Town Harbour.

Lieutenant Colonel Andre Traut said a tanker truck was spotted under suspicious circumstances packed close to a pumped station which was operational at the time, pumping diesel from a tanker vessel.

Traut said upon investigation police discovered an illegal connection where diesel was intercepted. The tanker truck which was full with 34 00 litres of diesel was confiscated.

“The suspects are expected to appear in court once they have been charged and the circumstances surrounding the incident are being investigated” Traut added.

NUM expresses disappointment at retrenchment at Petra Diamonds

Lusanda Bill
29 October 2014

The National Union of Metalworkers has expressed its disappointment and disgust with management at Petra Diamonds for creating a special form to force NUM members at the mine to resign. 

NUM Acting Spokesperson Livhuwani Mammburu said currently there are 253 of its members still working at the mine and the Department of Mineral Resources is facilitating the proposed retrenchments. 

Mammburu said we view this matter seriously and this is an onslaught on NUM for refusing to be part of the retrenchment process at Helam Mine.

“So the NUM will remain unshaken and we will not be intimated by Petra Diamond” Mammburu added.

Missing Adult Alert: Andrewina Pietersen

Missing Adult Alert: Lena De Vos

Missing Adult Alert: Rashaad Arendse

DA: President Zuma needs to appear in Parliament to answer questions

Lusanda Bill
29 October 2014

The Democratic Alliance has called on President Jacob Zuma to appear before Parliament to answer a full session of oral questions.

DA Parliamentary Leader Mmusi Maimane said President Zuma needs to deal with or provide leadership on the growing number of issues of serious concern in the country. 

Maimane said the President is obliged by legislation to arrive in Parliament every quarter to answer questions. 

“It is a shame that President Zuma has only arrived once in this fifth Parliament. I have asked for an urgent meeting with him to discuss this matter forward” Maimane added.

MEC Donald Grant: Unveiling of Child Pedestrian Safety poster series

Oscar Thomas
29 October 2014

Western Cape MEC of Transport and Public Works Donald Grant on Tuesday unveiled the Child Pedestrain Safety poster series at Itsitsa Primary School. 

In a statement MEC Grant said children particularly small children continue to bear the brunt of irresponsible and reckless behaviour seen on the roads, with no fewer than 59 children being either knocked down or killed in the province. 

Ministerial Spokesperson Siphesihle Dube said children, particularly small children, continue to bear the brunt of irresponsible and reckless behaviour seen on our roads, with no fewer than 59 having been either knocked down or killed in the Western Cape this year alone.

Dube said according to StatSA’s 2013 National Household Travel Survey, 50.4% of the Western Cape’s 1,676 million population that attend an educational institution walk to and from those institutions, with the remainder being transported by either private or public transport.

Dube said all of them are, in one way or the other, vulnerable for serious injury or death at the hands of reckless and irresponsible motorists.

“We must do all we can to change behaviours and attitudes on our roads and protect children from the senseless injury or death that far too many are victim of Dube added. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

MEC of Police to investigate efficiency of SAPS Management

Oscar Thomas
28 October 2014

The Western Cape MEC of Community Safety Dan Plato has welcomed the establishment of a reference group by Minister of Police Nkosinathi Nhleko to investigate the efficiency of SAPS management.

MEC Plato has also welcomed the investigation into allegations of the Western Cape Provincial Police Commissioner’s Arno Lamoer’s alleged links with drug kingpins in the province. 

Ministerial Spokesperson Ewald Botha said the trems of the reference group should give the National Minister a clear indication where these specific areas of improvement are both national and within the Western Cape.

“Minister Dan Plato is of the strong opinion that the people of the Western Cape are not receiving the quality of policing service delivery they deserve Botha added.    

Slain Wesbank boy laid to rest

The little boy from Wesbank who was tragically killed whilst asleep, will be laid to rest on Saturday morning. Four-year-old Davin Afrika ...