Saturday, November 21, 2015

COPE urges 100% support for NDP from SACP & COSATU

Mbasa Gqokoma
21 November 2015

The Congress of the People says in a statement issued, the South African Communist Party and the Congress of the South African Trade Union must support the National Development Plan 100% or leave government.

“ We are calling upon President Zuma and the SACP and Cosatu to seat around the table and endorse NDP 100%. They can’t eat with the other hand there, and the other hand there. They are the cause of the trouble, now President Zuma must not be scared of them because it his alliance and give them an ultimatum whether they support the NDP or not. If they don’t support the NDP they must go, COPE spokesperson Dennis Bloem said.

Bloem added that “The economy is continuing to shed jobs and young people face a bleak future because of the increasing scarcity of opportunity.”

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