Thursday, November 26, 2015

Lesotho receives special permit

Mellon Radebe
26 November 2015

In October 2015 Minister Malusi Gigaba along with his cabinet approved the implementation of the Lesotho Special Permit.

The Intention of the Lesotho Dispensation is to regularize the stay of Lesotho nationals currently residing illegally in South Africa.

It will assist greatly in ensuring that all persons in South Africa are here on a lawful basis, with correct documentation. The Special dispensation is for Lesotho nationals who are working and studying in SA without appropriate documentation.

Minister of Home Affairs Malusi Gigaba added that “The Basotho in the country will enjoy protection from unlaw labour practices, fraud and corruption. This we owe to the people of the SADC region and our neighbor, Lesotho which historically enjoys close kinship ties with South Africa and its people.”

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