Wednesday, November 18, 2015

WC ANC Youth League celebrates Anton Fransch

18 November 2015
Rentse Khiba

The ANC youth league marked the anniversary of the death of Anton Fransch.

The young Cape Town resident was just 20 years old when he was murdered by the Apartheid police forces following a seven hour gun battle in Athlone on this day in 1989.

 A commemoration was held at the Corner of Kroomboom Road and Church Street in Athlone.

The ANC’s youth league Tom Simbulele explained that the youth league had a brief wreath laying ceremony in front of the Athlone home where our hero had fallen.

“We listened to the recollections and words of wisdom from former MK combatants and activists who interacted with Anton.”  Simbulele said.

Following a seven hour gun battle with the apartheid forces on 17 November 1989, Anton, 20, was killed when a hand grenade lobbed into a room in which he sought refuge in Church Street, Athlone, exploded. 

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