Thursday, November 26, 2015

Matric students urged to act responsibly during matric rage parties

Asanda Xongo
26 Nov 2015

Today candidates in the 2015 National Senior Certificate examinations wrote the last of their major examination, History Paper 2.

Exams are scheduled to end tomorrow, but many candidates today will head to the annual Matric rage parties in towns across the province.

Provincial and Municipal traffic services are on hire alert over this period and ready for any eventuality. A non-nonsense approach will again be adopted to any transgressions during this time.

Spokesperson for the Minister of Transport and public Works, Donald Grant, Siphesihle Dube added that “ Minister Grant and Minister Schafer have appealed to all matric candidate to drink responsibly as they attend the matric rage parties, both ministers say they should not go behind the wheel drunk and should obey speed limit.”

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