Thursday, October 22, 2015

23 UCT students will not be charged with treason

Mbasa Gqokoma
22 October 2015

The 23 University of Cape Town students arrested and subsequently released late last night will not be charged with treason.

The police released a statement confirming that there are no treason charges.

The National Prosecuting Authority said earlier charges against six UCT students arrested at Parliament have not been finalised yet.

The students are Chumani Maxele, Kgotsi Chikane, Nathan Taylor, Markus Trengrove, Ian Price and Bucks Whaley.

The other arrested protesters were released from police custody late last night while some spent the night in jail.

Bush Radios’s correspondent Jason Murphy explains….

I’m standing outside the Magistrate Court here in Central Cape Town. There is a lot of confusion here this morning, cases are due to be heard.

He says “So far we know for sure 23 students are facing trial due to face the judge at 11:00 am on various charges including illegal gathering, public violence and trespassing.”

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