Sunday, October 18, 2015

COPE urges voters to be smart when voting

Rentse Khiba
18 October 2015

The Congress Of the People has urged South Africans to act strategically when it comes to voting.

COPE is convinced that voters must use their votes in a predetermined and strategic manner for optimal results.

COPE spokesperson, Dennis Bloem said COPE is urging voters to start gathering in discussion groups right away on how to get value for  their votes.

Bloem explained that “ruling parties with overwhelming majorities quickly forget about voters. That is why we are urging voters to show that sovereignty belongs to the people and that it is they who hold public representatives to account.”

“It is our common interest to teach fellow South Africans about strategic voting so that they can retain the upper hand and keep public representatives properly in check, We need to say to all of them in government that enough is enough.” Bloem concluded.

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