Friday, October 23, 2015

DENOSA supports the #FeesMustFall protests

Rentse Khiba
23 October 2015

The Student Movement of The Democratic Nursing Union of South Africa has put its support behind the #feesmustfall campaign.

In a statement issued the DENOSA national student movement calls for full free undergraduate education in order to lift more South Africans out of the poverty trap.

DENOSA’s Tshepo Monoketsi said DENOSA is looking to Government to provide leadership on the issue.

Monoketsi explained, “We remain convinced that it is only through education that we can build a better society and defeat poverty.

The majority of students come from families that are either employed in the public sector or from families that have virtually no income and mostly would heavily rely on the student financial aid scheme for their children’s education Monoketsi concluded.

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