Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Stellenbosch History exhibiton to be opened by MEC Marais

Rentse Khiba
21 October 2015

Today MEC of Cultural Affairs Anroux Marais will officially open the new exhibition titled, “Stellenbosch and its people” at the Stellenbosch museum.

Spokesperson Stacey Mclean explained the development of the residents, colonisation and the establishment of Stellenbosch as a town forms part of the exhibition.

Exhibiting local histories is significant in transforming museums into meaningful spaces for local residents.

Through the exhibition, local residents will gain insight into where they come from, understand more of their town, their identity and how the past has shaped the present.

“Local histories reflect the lives of ordinary people and help to create a socially inclusive society Mclean concluded.”

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