Tuesday, October 27, 2015

City appeals judgement in South Roads, Wynberg case

Rentse Khiba
27 October 2015

The City of Cape Town on Monday applied for leave to appeal the judgment and order that stops it from evicting residents and demolishing homes in South Road to make way for the Wynberg MyCiTi route.

The City considers the judgment handed down by Acting Judge AJ Weinkove in the Western Cape High Court two weeks ago, unclear.

Mayoral Committee Member on Transport for Cape Town Councillor Brett Herron explained “after considering the court order and the judgement we have decided to appeal the judgement.”

Meanwhile Wynberg residents have expressed their disappointment with the city’s decision.

The proposed South Road/Brodie Road MyCiti route would affect up to 100 properties and turn Main Road into a one way system.

South Roads family association’s Laurie Peregrino said in Brett Herrons statement Herron said that, “The court was not clear on what was said and that the court did not give them a proper guideline in terms of what is required of them to do in terms of public participation.”

They are the Municipality, they should know what to do, Peregrino concluded.

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