Thursday, October 22, 2015

COSATU: warns people who personally attacks Blade Nzimande

 Mbasa Gqokoma
22 October 2015

The Congress of South African Trade Unions has called for an end to personal attacks against Minister for Education Blade Nzimande in the current education fees protest.

The Congress are behind the #feesmustfall movement noting that more South Africans are at risk of being excluded from tertiary education due to rising costs across the economy.

Spokesperson Sizwe Pamla says “We are still reiterating our previous call that a moratorium be put on these fee increases because they are not affordable.

We represent workers, we know how much increases they have received.”

He says “At the same time while we are totally behind this campaign we want to warn those who are using this noble campaign to attack Minister Blade Nzimande.”

The Minister is not Father Christmas, he’s not going to give free education to South Africans. That is the responsibility of the entire cabinet.

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