Thursday, July 18, 2013

Marikana Commission: withdrawal hampers the work of the commission

 Imogen Vollenhoven
18 July 2013

The Marikana Commission of inquiry said it is greatly concerned about the families and lawyers withdrawing from the commission. 

Spokesperson for the commission Tshepo Mahlangu said the withdrawal hampers the work of the commission in so far as getting to the truth, as of what happened in Marikana last year. 

Mahlangu said that the as the commission they have a responsibility to conduct investigations with regard to what happened in Marikana.

“And off course we are going to continue regardless of the outcome of the decision tomorrow by the courts,” added Mahlangu.

He also said that as a commission they operate within the context of the regulations as per the term of reference with regard to the Marikana tragedy.

Furthermore he explains matters between clients and their legal representative’s fall outside the scope of where the commission is concerned and therefore these are matters that they note are out of their jurisdiction.

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