Monday, November 02, 2015

SAMWU welcomes water control measures by the DWS

Mbasa Gqokoma
02 November 2015

The South African Municipal Workers Union says it welcomes the introduced control measures by the Minister of the Department of Water and Sanitation today, to save water in South Africa.

The Union says it has noted the serious state of affairs of decreasing levels of water national dams ranging from just above 60%.

Union Spokesperson Chumani Gqeke says…

“We call upon the Minister that any relief fund that will be released to the affected people, such fund must be used for the intended purposes.They must not be used for corrupt practices or tenderpreneurship.

We encourage public to use water sparingly. Government must lead a campaign that is about teaching people against polluting water.

He says “It’s crucial that we reserve water from origin, where it is coming from so that we become a nation that is full of water for household use and also for business.”

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