Tuesday, October 11, 2016

ACDP says President Zuma and his governments’ lack of leadership allowed student protests to descend into anarchy

Leonie Pretorius
11 October 2016

The ACDP says it is appalled at the total lack of leadership displayed by President Jacob Zuma and his government.

They have allowed legitimate student protests to descend into anarchy.

Student protestors appear to be losing their noble goal of obtaining free education after seemingly having been infiltrated and hijacked by criminals with wicked political agendas and no genuine concern about the education crisis in our country.

Rev Kenneth Meshoe, the leader of the ACDP, said in Johannesburg  that, “We have a weak government which seems unable to deal with criminals. 

He says" The burning of buildings, buses and violence in Braamfontein could have been and should have been prevented."

He concluded by saying" The looting of businesses is a clear indication that many who joined student protests at Wits yesterday were not genuine university students.”

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