Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Teen remorseful after bullying video goes viral

Somila Nkosana
12 October 2016

A 16-year-old girl from Cape Town has apologised for sending a video via social media platform - WhatsApp to a 14-year-old Groote Schuur High pupil in which she swears and makes threats to.

The 16-year-old can be heard being pressed on by two friends in the background of the video which has gone viral.

Now remorseful, the teen apologises to everyone who was ‘hurt’ by the video, including the person she was talking about. She said she felt ashamed.

Jessica Shelver, spokeswoman for education MEC Debbie Schafer, said “the department had a “zero tolerance” approach to bullying at schools” and that they were concerned about the video. 

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