Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Two killed including baby in N14 crash

Natasha Mabuto
04 October 2016

Last night at 10pm paramedics and other emergency services arrived on the scene of a collision where they found a vehicle lying in the middle of the road on the N14 near Brandvlei, west of Johannesburg.

It appeared that the vehicle overturned several times ejecting a baby as well as one of the adult occupants.
It is believed that five adults were in the vehicle at the time of the incident.

There was nothing that paramedics could do for the baby and the other ejected occupant. 

Both of them were declared dead on the scene.

It is believed the baby is four months old.

Three people, two men and a woman, were found inside of the vehicle. 

They sustained various injuries.

They were assessed on scene and later transported to Carletonville Hospital for further care.

The incident was handed over to the local police that attended the scene.

 An investigation will be conducted into the exact cause of the incident.

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