Monday, February 02, 2015

Two separate accidents leave two people dead

Jaimie-faith Poonah
02 February 2015

An accident this morning in Bloemfontein left one person dead and another critically injured. 

It is believed that the vehicle they were traveling in lost control and rolled multiple times. 

ER24 Spokesperson Chitra Bodasing said paramedics said the man had sustained multiple injuries unfortunately he has succumbed to his injuries.

Bodasing also says the passenger was trapped in the vehicle and rescue services used Jaws of Life to extricate the man from the vehicle. The man who also had multiple injuries was accessed and treated and transported to hospital fort further treatment.

In another accident a biker was killed in a collision on the N12 south of Johannesburg.

ER24 Spokesperson Chitra Bodasing said when ER24 paramedics arrived on the scene they found the man close to a pole at a barrier. It was believed he was ejected from a bike. He was found 200 meters away from the bike that is badly damaged.

Bodasing continues saying on assessment paramedics discovered that the man had multiple injuries. He was declared dead.

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