Sunday, June 21, 2015

NUM General Secretary to address a rally as part of Operation Siyaphambili

Mbasa Gqokoma
21 June 2015

The National Union of Mineworkers General Secretary David Sipunzi will address a rally organised by the NUM PWV region as part of Operation Siyaphambali.

More than 3000 NUM members are expected to attend the rally. The rally will be held at the Westonaria Sports Complex west of Johannesburg.

Sipunzi will have an opportunity to take members through the consolidated demands and the process of negotiations that is starting next week in Boksburg.

Acting NUM National spokesperson Livhuwani Mammburu said, the theme of the rally is “woker’s role in the liberation struggle”.

A we know that the rally is taking place just before the Gold and Coal sector negotiations that are starting on Monday next week.

“Our General Secretary will be briefing our members about the Gold and Coal sector negotiations that will be held at the Birchwood Hotel in Boksburg” Mammburu added



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