Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Cosatu accuses City of Town of witch hunt

Loyiso Langeni
28 January 2015

The Congress of South African Trade Union in the Western Cape has accused the City of Cape Town of a witch hunt against black professions. 

Cosatu’s Tony Ehrenreich said the recent resignation of the Executive Director in Corporate Services Tshidi Mayimele-Hashatse raises many questions regarding the conduct of the city.

Ehrenreich said this clearly is an attempt by the city which has historically been controlled by whites to continue those with those practises.

As Cosatu we can opposed that and ensure that we bring proper employment equity and end white rule of the City of Cape Town

Meanwhile in response Mayor Patricia de Lille said the comment by Tony Ehrenreich of a witch hunt against black professions shows his lack of understanding of how government works.    

Mayor de Lille added that it’s a classical example, you cannot wear two caps both as ANC and Cosatu and he is failing hopeless to leave any of the two.

She also said if he is got any proof whatsoever of so called witch-hunt he must bring it up front.

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