Monday, January 19, 2015

MEC Fritz taking actions against unregistered homes

Loyiso Langeni
19 January 2015

Western Cape MEC of Social Development Albert Fritz said the department will take strong action against homes that are not registered. 

This follows action that is being taken by the department against Serendipity Home for the Aged following allegations of abuse and neglect. 

Ministerial Spokesperson Sihle Ngobese said the department is in formal process of designing and inspectorate which will investigate all cases of unregistered residential facilities reported to the department.

Ngobese added that the inspectorate will be tasked with identifying unregistered facilities throughout the province and access all human rights matters and operational norms and standards at residential facilities

“The public can play their part by ensuring their loved ones are placed in registered homes unless registered residential facilities, a list of registered residential facilities can be found in our website.” Ngobese said. 

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