Thursday, January 22, 2015

DA calls on special allocations to be made for unpaid NSFAS student university fees

Oscar Thomas
22 January 2015

The Democratic Alliance has appealed for a special allocation to be made for students returning to university this year but their fees from last year have not been paid up. 

This is a result of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme that has failed to complete payment.

DA Deputy MP of Higher Education and Training Yusuf Cassim said the R2 billion that was not spent by SETA last year needs to be used to assist the returning students.

Cassim said with the current fees not having been paid students will be locked out from pursuing their studies at their respective institutions.

“I have written a letter to the Minister as well as treasury to appeal for additional funding to be allocated to pay off the debts of these students so that they can further their studies and to ensure that the R2 Billion that was underspent by SETA can be reallocated with urgency as appealed by the entire portfolio committee last year” Cassim added.

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