Thursday, January 29, 2015

WCED says reported incidents of vandalism during holidays down

Jaimie-faith Poonah
29 January 2015

The Western Cape Department of Education said reported incidents of vandalism over the December/January holiday period dropped by 21.95%.

In a statement the department said 26 schools across the province reported incidents of vandalism or burglary with 30 minor incidents and two major incidents being reported.

Ministerial Spokesperson Jessica Shelver said: “We are therefore delighted that the number of incidents went down and the reports of the December/January went down by 21.95% compared to the same period last year with the major incidents cut in half.”

Shelver continues to say: “During the holiday period 448 schools received overnight security or 24 hour security. Unfortunately despite these measures, some of our schools still had incidents of vandalism and burglary during the school holiday.”

Shelver also said: “The department and the schools could better spend these funds that are used to fix the schools by improving the quality of education in our schools. And at the end of the day vandalism represents theft from our learners.”

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