Wednesday, January 28, 2015

IFP calls for an address on incidents linked to xenophobia

Jaimie-faith Poonah
28 January 2015

The Inkatha Freedom Party is calling for a community dialogue to address recurring violent incidents in an around South Africa linked to xenophobia. 

This as last week looting and violent unrest broke out in Soweto and surrounding areas after a foreign national shot dead a 14-year-old boy. 

About 180 people have been arrested in connection with looting and violence. 

IFP National Chairperson Blessed Gwala explains: “The dialogue actually will increase awareness about issues affecting foreign nationals and encourage the spirit of unity and peace co-exist between South Africans and foreign nationals. That’s why the IFP demands that there must be an equal teamwork because we beating discrimination and racism of whatever sort.”

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