Monday, January 19, 2015

DA calling for laboratories to be accredited

Oscar Thomas
19 January 2015

The Democratic Alliance is calling on the Minister of Health, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, to request that he expedite the process of accreditation for forensic chemistry laboratories in Johannesburg and Pretoria.

DA MP of Health Dr Wilmot James said there are samples presented in court from labs that do not have accreditation even though the results might be accurate the courts can dismiss the results.

James said therefore you cannot get a conviction based on the fact that those labs do not have accreditation.

“It is therefore the greatest importance and I have written to the Minister to urge him to make sure that those labs are accredited and that the new KZN lab that is opened up also goes through the process, so that we can get our labs to be good at what it is supposed to do and that is present results in court that are legally indisputable” James added.  

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