Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Department of Home Affairs ready for load shedding

Raymond Pani
28 January 2015

During a media-briefing today the departments Director General Mkuseli Apleni said the offices have the capacity to render services even when there is a blackout.

Furthermore the department has already started the current process of modernizing its system to improve efficiencies and turnaround times, for producing and issuing documents.

Apleni said in the design of the system we have the offline mode so that our offices can work even if there are power outages as a temporal measure. Load shedding may impact on the trial service but we have made provision for such eventualities. We have made sure that systems work even if there are power outrages in the country.

Meanwhile in terms of corruption the department says fighting corruption within is a key priority.

The departments Director General Mkuseli Apleni said government services are free of charge and people should report issue of corruption at the department. 

“Corruption has two people involved, a corrupter and corruptee hence we always raise the issue that if you go to our offices we have pluck cards saying people must not succumb to taking bribes. We are trying to encourage people to stay away from taking bribes” Apleni added.

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