Wednesday, January 07, 2015

ANC top brass encourages the youth in Mfuleni

Lusanda Bill
07 January 2015

Minister of Home Affairs Malusi Gigaba while speaking during a youth dialogue hosted by the South African Youth Council on Tuesday in Mfuleni, emphasized the importance of such dialogues. 

The forum focused on youth employment and other youth development. 

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa was the main speaker and he encouraged the youth to read more. 

Minister Gigaba said government cannot succeed in the pursuit of its programmes unless it listens to opinions that come from a broader array of South African social groups.

“Government does not have the monopoly of wisdom about what to do to get things right. People in South Africa generally given their different sectorial needs have opinions on how to address those needs especially needs in their own communities” Gigaba added.

Meanwhile Minister of Health Aaron Motsoaledi who was also in attendance at the forum raised his concern regarding the lack of qualified healthcare workers in the country. 

In 2013 there was an estimated shortage of 80 000 healthcare professionals in the country with the private sector having 70% of the country’s doctors.

Minister Motsoaledi said the opportunities that the department has are to encourage and train young people in order to take over the jobs that are there.

Motsoaledi said the concern is the very few doctors that are trained in the country. So through the Cuban programme we are starting to shift this in the right direction. 

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