Friday, January 16, 2015

COSATU opposes the renaming of Table Boulevard Road

Jaimie-faith Poonah
16 January 2015

The Congress of South African Trade Union in the Western Cape said it is opposing the renaming of Table Boulevard after FW De Klerk.

Cosatu’s Tony Ehrenreich said De Klerk was an architect of apartheid and responsible for implementing a system that brutally oppressed the majority.

Meanwhile in a statement the City of Cape Town said this was an opportunity for the City to recognise the pivotal role played by former president FW de Klerk in the transition to a new dispensation in South Africa.

Ehrenreich says FW de Klerk showed himself as someone who was only in the negotiations to defend the interest of the big business and generation advantage of the white people.

He continued by saying Cosatu still sees the FW de Klerk foundation taking forward the ambition of inequalities and injustice in South Africa. 

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