Friday, January 16, 2015

Denosa calls on aspiring nursing students to be cautious of bogus colleges

Raymond Pani
16 January 2015

The South African Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa has warned all of its potential nursing students to make sure that they check the credibility of the institutions they wish to enrol at.

This follows after many institutions and colleges have been found fraudulent through out the country.

Denosa President Simon Hlungwani said Denosa is warning all aspiring students who are going to enrol at nursing colleges to be cautious of any nursing colleges or institutions that they are going to register in.

Hlungwani said this is because there are so many bogus colleges through out the country.

“Before people register they must know whether the college is registered or not, because those that are bogus will train but after completion the people release that the certificate is not recognised in the Nursing Council” Hlungwani added. 

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