Wednesday, January 07, 2015

ANC calls on declining Western Cape matric pass rate to be investigated

Oscar Thomas
07 January 2015

The African National Congress in the Western Cape has called for an investigation into the decline in the matric pass rate in the province. 

ANC’s Theo Olivier said the province is still not producing the results needed to be the best in the country. 

Olivier said it is unacceptable that a province with the vast resources, skills and experience can slip so much.

Olivier said that the Democratic Alliance led province was largely to blame for the drop in the pass rate.

Olivier said The ANC has also noted that the provincial results under the DA again are fourth on the national list, whereas under the ANC the province was the national leader in the first place.

Oliver said, referring to Gauteng which topped the list of best performing province with 84.7% followed by North West with 84.6% and the Free State on 82.8%.

Olivier said The DA administration is trying hard to shift the goal posts and to employ DA lies, spin, smoke and mirrors to deflect attention away from the fact that in this so-called best run province about one in five learners failed matric.

“The majority of those who failed, are from disadvantaged areas who still have to deal with poor service delivery and infrastructure challenges Olivier added.

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